What are the Benefits of a Nutritious High Speed Blender Diet?
Give it a try; drink your fruits and veggies. Take whatever veggies and fruits that you have in the fridge and throw them into the blender with a handful of ice. For instance you could throw in a handful of spinach, a couple of carrots, a celery stalk and a tomato, some cabbage or cucumber along with some salt and pepper and now you have your very own healthy veggie drink.
The benefits of drinking fresh blended fruits and veggies: Fresh fruit juices are the cleansers of the human system. Fresh vegetable juices are the re-generators and builders of the body. After most foods are cooked, they lose a majority of their nutritional value. That is why many health conscious people now live on a 'whole foods' diet ensuring proper nutrition is being ingested. Using a blender to ingest these fruits and veggies allows us to consume a larger variety, each providing their own unique health benefit, in one sitting.
Because we live in a hurry-up society a large portion of our population lives on processed foods which contain a multitude of chemicals, dyes, hydrogenated oils, corn syrup, preservatives and the list goes on and on. This kind of eating along with a sedentary lifestyle is causing our nation to be obese and now everyone is looking for the easiest ways to lose weight. We have all seen the reports on the news and have seen the statistics. If quick and easy is what you are after, you should really try a lifestyle change and give a blender diet a try. Your body will thank you for it with renewed energy and your wallet will thank you with the health benefits gained from it.
All foods break down into three nutrient categories which is essential for overall health and well-being: Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fat.
Carbohydrates: (the best carbohydrates are those low in starch, low in sugar and high in fiber) fruits, grains/beans low starch (sweet potatoes, whole grain pasta and yams) and vegetables. Carbohydrates can be burned by your muscles for energy after a good workout or stored as fat if your muscles do not require it. They also provide energy to the brain.
Proteins: (protein is the main building block of your body, providing optimal cellular growth and proper immune system and metabolism function) adequate amounts of lean protein (eggs, cold water fish, low-fat cottage cheese, foul (no skin) and protein powders) are essential for maintaining optimal health. Protein is essential in the release of glucagon the fat burning hormone. Your body either burns fat or muscle depending on what and when you are eating.
Fat: Some fats (hydrogenated or processed found in fried foods, margarine and vegetable shortenings) are not good for you to eat. However there are fats that are healthy (Avocados, cold water fish, raw nuts, seeds, and olive oil, coconut oil, sesame and sunflower oils) for you to consume. Healthy fats will aid in vitamin absorption, optimal hormone production and provides fuel for your body.
A healthy blender meal might consist of: Spinach, cucumber, carrots, apple, cabbage, avocado, lemon (with peel), garlic, celery, pomegranate, blueberries, and whey protein, cinnamon and flax seed along with some 'green supplement'.
Just in case you were wondering about major fat loss mistakes that you would absolutely want to avoid: Stop doing -
1. Doing low to moderate intensity cardiovascular workouts for long durations (running, stationary bike, treadmill) = a great way for your body to adapt to exercise and STOP burning fat. Plus, you're converting your muscle fibers to the wrong type.
2. Abdominal specific training - over 1000 sit-ups and still no results? No six-pack abs yet? That obviously isn't working for you to lose weight and show off that sexy belly. Instead, train for full body systemic fat loss. You'll be glad you did.
3. Caloric restriction = starving muscle = no more fat loss; instead, make the goal to eat more and build more fat-burning muscle to ramp up your metabolism, permanently. Try eating 5-6 small meals a day.
The bottom line is this; eat a well-rounded diet full of unprocessed whole natural foods, lots of variety, high nutrient density, lots of fruits, veggies, whole unrefined grains, eggs, beans, nuts, seeds, organic meats, fish, etc. Now, throw in a moderate exercise program and you'll find that the net benefit and outcome of each will absolutely make you healthier and sexier for the long run. And who doesn't want that for themselves?
Remember: if your grandmother would not recognize it, then do not eat it. It is not healthy for you.