Enjoying the Health Benefits of Juicing Wheatgrass
Many people these days are continuously fascinated with the amazing benefits of juicing wheatgrass. The juice which is extracted from wheatgrass is believed to have many health benefits and one of the most well know benefit juicing wheatgrass is that it can provide you with energy since its juice is easily absorbed in the blood.
The juice which can be extracted from wheat grass is truly remarkable. Actually when you take up about Two ounces of fresh juice equates to three pounds of natural and organic vegetables in minerals and vitamins, or perhaps the same as two servings of coffee. Every time you enjoy a juice from the wheatgrass you will definitely feel great and also energized to take on the day.
Many health experts consider wheatgrass to as equivalent to a whole meal because of the presence of minerals and nutrients on it. It is also acknowledged as complete source of protein among other fruit juice since it has about 30 enzymes and it is estimated to have 70 % chlorophyll. It is so nutritious since it has vitamins and minerals which are essential in maintaining human health. Essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, sulfur, cobalt and zinc are present in wheatgrass juice. Furthermore, wheatgrass juice is good body builder since it is composed of 70 % chlorophyll which is an essential body builder component. The chlorophyll molecule present in wheatgrass is similar to the hemin molecule; it is substance which has the ability to combine with proteins to create hemoglobin. The main distinction between the two molecules is the central atom. Magnesium atoms are the central atom of chlorophyll while hemin molecule has iron molecules. The two molecules have the same molecular structure in all aspect except for the central atom. It is proven that juicing wheatgrass is capable of building red blood cells fast just after ingestion. Additionally, it can control blood pressure and also has the capacity to start healthy cell growth.
The juice extracted from the fresh wheatgrass has also the capacity to inhibit the growth and development of bad bacteria. It does not directly attack the bacteria present instead it creates and unfavorable environment for bacterial growth. Because of the presence of water soluble chlorophyll, it prevents the growth and development of proteolytic bacteria.
I hope in this article you were able to realize the great benefits of juicing wheatgrass. Wheatgrass actually has many benefits and it is a very healthy drink. Today wheatgrass is becoming very popular because of the benefits it can give to man. Many people are actually endeavoring to find helpful tips on how they can grow wheatgrass into their backyard. Growing wheatgrass at home is very easy and in fact you can actually grow wheatgrass in your house in less than ten days. It does not require too much attention in growing it. Growing a wheatgrass is like growing flowers in your backyard. Once the wheatgrass you have planted have fully grown you can then enjoy juicing it and experiencing the benefits of it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6920284