What are the secrets to choosing the right juicer?

What are the secrets to choosing the right juicer?

Whatever your juicing plans are, here are some secrets to choosing the right juicer:

Consider the price and warranty

Like mentioned above, a juicing first timer like you should know whether you just want to try the method or make it a staple in your daily diet. Juicers that are on the lower end of the price range may work well, but they usually have very short warranties (3-6 months). The motor of cheaper juicers usually wear out within a year and some models even need blade replace just after 4 months of purchase. If you're into juicing for the long haul, it is advisable that you go for a model that's a little more expensive to ensure quality.

Consider the yield

Low-cost juicers usually work by ejecting the pulp in order to produce juice. This means that you are not getting the most out of your fruits and vegetables; you are probably wasting 1 glass with every 2 glasses of juice you consume. Go for juicers that keep the pulp within the basket because they usually produce about 40 percent more juice. Remember, saving money by buying a cheap juicer but spending 2 or 3 times more on fresh produce is not cost-effective at all.

Consider the machine's power

A common mistake that a juicing first timer makes when choosing a juicer is looking for a juicer that has high RPM (rotations per minute) instead of watts in regards to the machine's power. The higher the RPM, the faster your juice will oxidize and lose all its essential nutrients. The RPM only measures the blade's rotation per minute, but watts are actually the motor's source of power. So when shopping for a quality juicer, be sure to take into consideration a model that has high watts.

Consider the ease of cleaning

One of the most tedious parts of the juicing process is cleaning the juicer every time you use it. So if you're going through a juice cleanse, you will be juicing at least 4-5 times a day. Imagine how tiring that is! Fortunately, there are plenty of models that advertise having easy-to-clean parts or fewer parts to clean. There are also juicers that come in parts that are dishwasher-friendly, so that's also a good choice especially if you're on a juice cleanse.

Choosing the right juicer doesn't have to be difficult, just take into consideration the factors mentioned above and you will definitely be a happy juicing first timer!

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